Pipe Bending For Plumbing.A good way to work pipework around a home for a plumbing jobs is to bend the pipes to fit. This will ensure that whatever the length is, its watertight integrity is better than if it was filled with joints. It is quite straightforward after a few goes. The best and most common tool for the task is a pipe bending spring. Professional tradesmen such as Clerkenwell Plumbers use pipe benders.The Spring Bender: This is what it says a Large Spring.Place the spring inside the pipework, and confirm that it running evenly in the area that needs to be bent. Petroleum jelly is a great lubricant if the spring is tight in the pipe. If after lubrication it is still tight, make sure that the spring is the correct size for that pipe. A spring that is meant for a 1/2″ pipe cannot be used in a 15mm pipe. When you have sorted the fit, you can begin, and bend the pipe to the angle required using your knee as the pivot point. Try not to over bend as it will cause the pipe wall to implode, although a spring is inside. Connect a piece of string to the spring, so that you can pull it put it when the job is finished. A Clerkenwell Plumber uses this equipmentAnother Pipe Bender.Although you can hire bending springs to fit the larger pipes, it isn’t easy to bend 22 or 28 mm (3/4 or 1in) tube over your knee, so it is well worth hiring a pipe bender to do the job. Ensure that you fit the correct former to suit the pipe diameter. Hold the pipe against the radiused former and insert the straight former to support it. Pull the levers towards each other to make the bend, and then open up the bender to remove the pipe.