There may be a requirement at some stage in the life of your plumbing system to modify, replace or even add to your pipework for various reasons. This can mean the running of new pipes. An easy way to begin is by planning the new run so you know exactly any bends or connections that you will need to make Clerkenwell Plumbers can bend and connect and fit new pipework. Below is a guide to fitting and securing pipes in different locations:Under a Suspended Floor:Run the pipe in shallow notches chiseled in the joist top, or if there is space put, you can pass through holes drilled in the joists. Run at a 50 mm minimum under the top of the joists to avoid punctures from nails through the floorboards. Always mark any pipe run on the board with a pencil, this is a good position reminder. Joists are essential to building structure integrity so do not remove large pieces of timber. Surface Mounted on Walls:An easy way to secure new pipes is by clipping to a wall. They are less conspicuous if they are neat, straight and parallel, also, run them up into a corner, around a chimney-breast, or on skirting boards. Plastic trunking is available to hide pipes, or you could box them in with timber. If there is a stud partition, new pipes can run through the studs and noggins before you close the cavity.Insulate Pipes:Insulate the new pipes in split tubes made from foam. Do this to pipes that are at risk of freezing or run under a ground floor, in a loft space, or near an outside wall. Also insulate hot water pipes to save heat.Pipe Clips:Pipes need to be secure, and should be firmly clipped in position at regular points, or they will creak or vibrate. Pipe clips are available I many styles and sizes. A Clerkenwell Plumber uses pipe clips.
Pipe Bending For Plumbing
Pipe Bending For Plumbing.A good way to work pipework around a home for a plumbing jobs is to bend the pipes to fit. This will ensure that whatever the length is, its watertight integrity is better than if it was filled with joints. It is quite straightforward after a few goes. The best and most common tool for the task is a pipe bending spring. Professional tradesmen such as Clerkenwell Plumbers use pipe benders.The Spring Bender: This is what it says a Large Spring.Place the spring inside the pipework, and confirm that it running evenly in the area that needs to be bent. Petroleum jelly is a great lubricant if the spring is tight in the pipe. If after lubrication it is still tight, make sure that the spring is the correct size for that pipe. A spring that is meant for a 1/2″ pipe cannot be used in a 15mm pipe. When you have sorted the fit, you can begin, and bend the pipe to the angle required using your knee as the pivot point. Try not to over bend as it will cause the pipe wall to implode, although a spring is inside. Connect a piece of string to the spring, so that you can pull it put it when the job is finished. A Clerkenwell Plumber uses this equipmentAnother Pipe Bender.Although you can hire bending springs to fit the larger pipes, it isn’t easy to bend 22 or 28 mm (3/4 or 1in) tube over your knee, so it is well worth hiring a pipe bender to do the job. Ensure that you fit the correct former to suit the pipe diameter. Hold the pipe against the radiused former and insert the straight former to support it. Pull the levers towards each other to make the bend, and then open up the bender to remove the pipe.
Hot Water Supply
There are two basic hot water systems, an indirect, with all hot tap supplied from hot water storage cylinder, the direct, were cold water is heated on demand. The latter is the normal when all the cold water supplies come direct from the rising main. Clerkenwell Plumbers know systems.Instantaneous Hot Water Systems.Single-point water heaters may be heated by gas or electricity and are usually cited next to the point they serve. In the case of electric heaters, such as an electric shower, they must be wired to the mains through an isolating switch. An example is a combination boiler which is a central heating boiler and an instantaneous multipoint water heater.Indirect Systems.An indirect system has two tanks in the loft. The smaller one, has a vent pipe over the top and this is called a header tank or feed and expansion tank. It keeps the primary circuit full. This tank allows for the expansion of the water in the header tank as it heats up.Primary Circuit.With an indirect water system, the hot water cylinder contains a coil of pipe, which forms part of a run of pipework from the boiler. This is heated directly by the boiler and then indirectly heats the water in the cylinder through convection.Secondary Circuit.Water in the hot water cylinder is supplied from the cold water cistern, which keeps the cylinder completely topped up as hot water is used.Unvented (sealed) Hot Water Systems.This system is the same as an indirect system, except that it is connected to the mains and provide mains water pressure to hot taps and showers.Direct Systems.The water is heated to directly by circulation through the boiler. Water comes from the cold-water cistern into the bottom of the cylinder and then to the boiler. The boiler then discharges hot water currently in the top of the cylinder and forces the colder denser water at the bottom through the return pipe back to the boiler. A Clerkenwell Plumber is skilled.Immersion Heater.Another form of direct heating, using one or two electric immersion heaters, with around 1kW of heat required for every 45ltr of water. This is rarely the sole form of water heating in the home these days and is usually used to supplement the boiler system in summer.
Facts about Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide is produced by amongst other things, cookers, and boilers that have been badly installed. It may also be produced when an appliance is damaged. This gas is a killer!The Symptoms:The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can be very much like a dose of food poisoning or even a bout of the flu (with no fever). These may fade slightly if you are removed from the source of the gas. The more exposed that you are, the more severe the symptoms grow. This may lead to a loss of consciousness, with these symptoms even occurring up to a few days or even weeks later in some cases. Clerkenwell Plumbers are gas safe. Fitting:They can be fitted them all over the home, with one on each floor if required. Bedrooms and areas close to boilers and their flues. Detectors should be fitted should there be an open flue or solid fuel burning appliance in your home. The detectors should not be placed very close to appliances as they can give off enough gas to cause a false alarm as they fire up. Below is a dimensional guide for fitting:150mm lower than the ceiling, (maybe higher, not lower).1.8-4.5mtr from a source like a cooker etc. Do not fit in bathrooms due to water/steam damage. A Clerkenwell Plumber knows the danger signs. Cleaning of the detectors can be carried out with soapy water but no chemicals.Good: The flame burning in your boiler should burn a very pure blue, both in its centre and all around outside edge. The flame can be observed through the glass viewer on the boiler.Bad: When you look at the flame, and it flickers orange or yellow, then the combustion is wrong and this is the time that carbon monoxide can be produced. Another warning sign is soot released from the boiler.
Corrosion Prevention
Corrosion is the biggest problem in any system that uses water and metal together. There is a chemical reaction that occurs between the water and metal that is really unstoppable, however there is a way of slowing the corrosion and rotting down.The Anode:The anode is a rod shaped item that is made from elements such as magnesium and zinc that have a lesser resistance to the corrosive action that exists in a plumbing system. This means that it will start to corrode and rot away far quicker than the cylinder walls, which is a good thing as a rotten water storage cylinder has the potential to do some major damage should its integrity fail.Position:The anode usually sits in the top of the cylinder passively and is secured with one large nut and sealing washer. Because the anode is rotting, the tank damage will be greatly reduced. Its actual condition cannot be seen from the outside of the cylinder. Therefore it must be isolated and drained. Removal and Replacement:Anodes come in many shapes and sizes, so you must have the details of your whole system to ensure that you get the buy one. The information should be on a tag screwed to the heater. The anode is quite easy to replace. Isolate the power and the cold-water feed. Unscre the hexagonal bolt holding the rod.Take out the anode rod and replace with a new one. A Clerkenwell Plumber can fit an anode. Fitting should be done in reverse. Use Teflon tape on the thread of the fitting to stop leaks. Lastly:Restore water and power to the water heater and turn on.TIP:Twice a year you should visually inspect the anodes condition, as this is a good guide to replacement. Clerkenwell Plumbers know about anodes.
Controlling The Heating
Many different devices that can control the domestic central heating system. These are becoming more and more precise and accurate, with control now available from your smart phone. The ideal scenario is to make a system very economical and increase its efficiency as fuel bills rise. Clerkenwell Plumbers fit heating control devices. Types:Cylinder Thermostats:The temperature of the water that heats a radiator is far higher than the water coming from the taps with the first at 82 degrees C and the second at 60 degrees C so the cylinder thermostat prevents overheating of the hot water supply. The thermostat operates by stopping the flow to its heat exchanger when the temperature raises and allow the flow as the temperature lowers.Control For Zones:The Zone control system operates, having two components, the first being a zone control driven by an electric motor. This will stop the water flowing to the zone under control. The second is a controller that will regulate the valve. The Zone controller can make adjustments, either by time or temperature or indeed both, being wirelessly operated in some cases, although the control valve requires an electrical feed and is positioned in the areas heating pipes.Thermostat:Manual or digital operation is available for a thermostat. The device is programmed to turn the heating system both on and off when a temperature is achieved. Mainly fitted in a lounge or a hallway. (T)hermostatic (R)adiator (V)alves:These types of valves are connected to one of the lower corners of a radiator and control the flow of water through its radiator by the heat. They are adjustable and are good for maintaining the desired heat output from a radiator. A Clerkenwell Plumber can fit TRVs.Hive:The newest form of heating control just introduced by a major energy supplier. This system allows you to control your heating from anywhere at all via an application on your phone or tablet. A wireless system that is very efficient. This means you can put your heating on whilst you are on the bus home.