The handle on a toilet is subject to lots of use in an average week, making them very liable to to loosening. Loose handles not only cause poor flushing performance and everyday annoyance but can cause the handle to fail and require replacement. You can make your toilet handle more snug by performing a simple adjustment. Professional services like Clerkenwell Plumbers can carry our remedial maintenance.1). Isolate the toilet water supply by turning the shut-off valve handle clockwise. The supply pipe and handle are located behind the toilet.2). Shut the toilet seat and remove the tank cover by grabbing and pulling it upwards. Place the cover on a flat, stable surface to guard against accidental cracking or breakage.3). Make sure that the tank is empty. This is achieved by operating the flush so the tank empties. 4). Locate the metal nut directly behind the toilet handle within the tank. The threaded lever shaft is reverse-threaded (the opposite of standard screws and other threaded devices) and employs a plastic washer held in place by the nut. Reverse threads are used to prevent loosening over time since the lever operates in the same clockwise direction of standard threads. A Clerkenwell Plumber is qualified for all jobs.5).Tighten the nut with an adjustable wrench by turning counter-clockwise until snug. Avoid over-tightening to prevent accidental cracking of the toilet tank.6).Test the toilet handle for snugness by pressing downward. If it is too tight, loosen the nut slightly by turning clockwise with the wrench and test again.7). Reinstate the water supply. Allow the tank to fill, double-check for operation again by flushing and replace toilet tank cover. Also make a visual inspection of all the work you have carried out and check for any leaks.