Is your washing machine making a lot of noise when washing or spinning? Sometimes it can be so loud it sounds like it is off balance when it is not. There could be many different things that could cause the noise and most are simple repairs. There are belts and pumps that help a washing machine to function properly. Remove the cover from the washer and check all the belts. Look for one that might be hanging or have splits all over on it. Belts are not made to last forever, so if you see one that is questionable it would be best to replace it. If the belts look good then think about when the noise is being heard. Is it while the spin cycle is engaged? This could be the pump. While the cover is off fill the tub with water and turn the knob to spin. Carefully listen to what happens. If you can confirm the noise sounds like it is being omitted from the pump then it could be bad or just jammed up. Unplug the washer and reach your hand in to the pump. Can you turn it easily manually? If the answer is no then it could be time to replace the pump. If you can, take the time and look if anything is caught on the impellers or if it is damaged. When some damage is spotted then you will need to replace the motor. Locate the shocks inside the machine. When they are leaking fluid or appear damaged the machine is permitted to bounce all around the place. The shocks will need replaced immediately before any more damage can be committed to the washer. Always replace both at once. These are the most common washing machine repairs Clerkenwell.